Free Sample of Clear Men Scalp Therapy

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All you'll need to do is like the Clear Men Scalp Therapy Facebook page, fill in your info and wait to receive your sample in the mail!

Free Presto's Pizza Cutter

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Just like the Prestos Pizza facebook page and fill out the information and it should take between 2-3 weeks for you to receive your free Presto's Pizza cutter!

Free sample of NEW Milk-Bone Trail Mix dog snacks.

Pin It All you'll need to do is "like" the Milk-Bone Facebook page, and make a pledge to hit the trail with your dog :)
Fill out your info and your sample will be on its way!

DragonVale Plasma Dragon

Pin It At least the new Plasma Dragon is here to stay ;) So no rush in getting this one, which is rather nice, since I haven't been able to snag him up yet lol. Had no problem at all with the Butterfly Dragon, but the Plasma seems a bit elusive to me for the day.

You're looking for a 16 hour Breeding/ incubation time and your best choices for breeding are

Lightning Dragon        +      Swamp Dragon
Lightning Dragon        +      Seaweed Dragon
Lightning Dragon        +      Rust Dragon
Adult Plasma Dragon (Picture by Kayla!)

Since I haven't been able to breed this one yet, pictures are pending lol. If you manage to get one before me feel free to email me a pic and your Gamecenter username so that I can credit the picture to you!

If you want to add me in the game my gamecenter name is prplrush. Feel free to follow my blog for more updates, via google friend connect. (right below this post) and google + this post

DragonVale Butterfly Dragon

Pin It Well, if you've logged into DragonVale today, then you're fully aware, we just got two new dragons to breed! Yay us lol. First one up is the new Butterfly Dragon. For me this one was pretty simple to get, but since it's going to be a limited dragon, I'm sure others may not be as lucky.
The Butterfly Dragons elements are Air, Lightning and Fire.

Breeding combination that worked for me

Firefly Dragon       +      Air Dragon
This is what your Butterfly Dragon Egg will look like

You can also try breeding:

 Seaweed Dragon  +     Lightning Dragon

You're looking for a 12 hour incubation time.

And I absolutely love how the baby dragon looks like a little caterpillar ;)

If you've found another combination that worked for you, feel free to add it!

If you want to add me in the game my gamecenter name is prplrush. Feel free to follow my blog for more updates, via google friend connect. (right below this post) and google + this post
